Antonio Manfredi

Antonio Manfredi (PhD Università Cattolica of Milan) is scriptor Latinus of the Vatican Library and deputy director of the Vatican School of Library Science, where he also teaches History of Libraries. He is a member of the Pontificia Academia Latinitatis and of the advisory board of the Vatican Library Publishing House, as well as of the journals Archivum mentis and Nuovi annali della Scuola speciale per archivisti e bibliotecari. His research focuses on manuscript studies, paleography, history of libraries, and the classical and patristic traditions, with a focus on the 11th and 12th centuries and on Renaissance Humanism.


Augustine and the Humanists
  • Series: Colibri. Collected Studies in History and Literature
  • Edited by: Guy Claessens & Fabio Della Schiava
  • ISBN: 9789464447620
  • Published: 2021/11
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